20. 7. 2009
zombie_jetpack 0
// Enables the JetPack for Humans.
humans_jetpack 0
// Amount of seconds zombies are allowed to use the JetPack in one round.
zombie_jetpack_timer 6
// The material to use for the sky.
// This material should have four vmt files located in materials/skybox.
// Their naming scheme is as follows..
zombie_fog_sky_material "zombie_sky"
// The radius around a players location to check for other players on Zombification.
zombie_stuckcheck_radius 35
// Delay in seconds after a player joins a server to send the welcome message. 0 to disable.
zombie_welcome_delay 2
// The text to send to new players.
zombie_welcome_text "[ZOMBIE] This server is using the ZombieMod Server Plugin. Type !zhelp in chat for help.\nGet it at www.ZombieMod.com"
// The url to direct people to when they enter !zhelp in chat.
zombie_help_url "http://www.zombiemod.com/zombie_help.php"
// When enabled, all players hear 'undead ambient sounds'.
zombie_undead_sound_enabled 1
// Can be used to higher or lower the volume of the sound played.
zombie_undead_sound_volume 0.7
// The sound to play to players, is precached and added to the client download list automatically.
zombie_undead_sound "ambient/zombiemod/zombie_ambient.mp3"
// A comma delimited string of maps with wich not to use zombie_undead_sound.
zombie_undead_sound_exclusions "de_aztec"
// When enabled, Zombies only take damage via headshots.
zombie_headshots_only 0
// When enabled, after zombie_balancer_player_ratio amount of players are zombies, each additional new zombies health is reduced by this percentage. 0 Disables.
zombie_balancer_health_ratio 0
// The ratio of players whom must be a zombie to start reducing new Zombies health. So when this percentage of the server is a zombie, new zombies health is reduced by the percentage of zombie_balancer_health_ratio.
zombie_balancer_player_ratio 0
// If this is 1, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the ratio of players who must be zombies before health is decreased. Otherwise, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the count of Zombies ex:6.
zombie_balancer_type 1
// This is the minimum health you want Zombies to ever end up with while using the balancer.
zombie_balancer_min_health 100
// Number of times a player can use zstuck per round.
zombie_teleportcount 3
// If enabled keeps tracks of damage that players do to zombies and shows them a list on round end or zombification.
zombie_damagelist 1
// Length of time to display damage list. -1 is forever.
zombie_damagelist_time -1
// Amount of red saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_r 0
// Amount of green saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_g 160
// Amount of blue saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_b 0
// Alpha colour to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_a 50
// Time in seconds between checks to se if zombie_vision is still enabled on a client. If you notice it disabling often try reducing this number.
zombie_vision_timer 20
// If enabled, players are protected for this amount of time after they respawn.
zombie_respawn_protection 10
// If enabled, when players spawn in they respawn as a Zombie.
zombie_respawn_as_zombie 0
// If enabled, allows players to spawn in once when they join regardless of zombie_respawn value.
zombie_respawn_onconnect 1
// If enabled, the first time a player spawns in they will be spawned as a zombie. This removes the clients ability to 'retry' and spawn as a human.
zombie_respawn_onconnect_as_zombie 1
// When enabled only allows !zstuck to be used by zombies.
zombie_teleport_zombies_only 0
// If 1 sends a message to a zombie every time they zombify someone displaying their current health.
zombie_show_health 1
// This is the time between health regeneration for zombies. 0 disables.
zombie_regen_timer 20
// Amount of health to regen every health regen.
zombie_regen_health 10
// Primary weapon to give players who spawn after round start
zombie_respawn_primary "weapon_tmp"
// Secondary weapon to give players who spawn after round start.
zombie_respawn_secondary "weapon_usp"
// When enabled, gives players a frag grenade once their protection ends.
zombie_respawn_grenades 1.0
// When enabled, uses different zombie classes as defined in zombie_classes.cfg
zombie_classes 1.0
// Material to use for zombie_vision, located in vgui/hud/zombiemod/. If blank zombie_vision will be disabled. zombie_vision is also included with the release add it to downloads.cfg aswell as changing here if you want to use it.
zombie_vision_material "zombie_view"
// If enabled saves players class selections to a file on map change and reloads it the next time the server starts. Also server command zombie_writeclasses.
zombie_save_classlist 1.0
// Percentage of specified health to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_health_percent 100
// Percentage of specified speed to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_speed_percent 100
// Percentage of specified jump height to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_jump_height_percent 100
// Percentage of specified knockback to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_knockback_percent 100
// The file to use for end_round overlay, set blank to disable. If file names are 1024_zombies and 1024_humans this setting should be 1024. The _zombies and _humans must be there.
zombie_end_round_overlay 1024
// *EXPERIMENTAL* Amount of zombies to spawn at round_start, 0 for regular method. Defaults to ( player count - 2 ) if the total amount of players is less than this value.
zombie_count 1
// Type of double health to give first zombie(s):
// 0 disable double health (also applies if zombie_count is 0 or 1
// 1 first chosen gets double health
// 2 all first zombies get double health.
zombie_count_doublehp 1
// Enables/Disabled the zstuck player command.
zombie_zstuck_enabled 1
// Enables the JetPack for Humans.
humans_jetpack 0
// Amount of seconds zombies are allowed to use the JetPack in one round.
zombie_jetpack_timer 6
// The material to use for the sky.
// This material should have four vmt files located in materials/skybox.
// Their naming scheme is as follows..
zombie_fog_sky_material "zombie_sky"
// The radius around a players location to check for other players on Zombification.
zombie_stuckcheck_radius 35
// Delay in seconds after a player joins a server to send the welcome message. 0 to disable.
zombie_welcome_delay 2
// The text to send to new players.
zombie_welcome_text "[ZOMBIE] This server is using the ZombieMod Server Plugin. Type !zhelp in chat for help.\nGet it at www.ZombieMod.com"
// The url to direct people to when they enter !zhelp in chat.
zombie_help_url "http://www.zombiemod.com/zombie_help.php"
// When enabled, all players hear 'undead ambient sounds'.
zombie_undead_sound_enabled 1
// Can be used to higher or lower the volume of the sound played.
zombie_undead_sound_volume 0.7
// The sound to play to players, is precached and added to the client download list automatically.
zombie_undead_sound "ambient/zombiemod/zombie_ambient.mp3"
// A comma delimited string of maps with wich not to use zombie_undead_sound.
zombie_undead_sound_exclusions "de_aztec"
// When enabled, Zombies only take damage via headshots.
zombie_headshots_only 0
// When enabled, after zombie_balancer_player_ratio amount of players are zombies, each additional new zombies health is reduced by this percentage. 0 Disables.
zombie_balancer_health_ratio 0
// The ratio of players whom must be a zombie to start reducing new Zombies health. So when this percentage of the server is a zombie, new zombies health is reduced by the percentage of zombie_balancer_health_ratio.
zombie_balancer_player_ratio 0
// If this is 1, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the ratio of players who must be zombies before health is decreased. Otherwise, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the count of Zombies ex:6.
zombie_balancer_type 1
// This is the minimum health you want Zombies to ever end up with while using the balancer.
zombie_balancer_min_health 100
// Number of times a player can use zstuck per round.
zombie_teleportcount 3
// If enabled keeps tracks of damage that players do to zombies and shows them a list on round end or zombification.
zombie_damagelist 1
// Length of time to display damage list. -1 is forever.
zombie_damagelist_time -1
// Amount of red saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_r 0
// Amount of green saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_g 160
// Amount of blue saturation to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_b 0
// Alpha colour to use for zombie vision.
zombie_vision_a 50
// Time in seconds between checks to se if zombie_vision is still enabled on a client. If you notice it disabling often try reducing this number.
zombie_vision_timer 20
// If enabled, players are protected for this amount of time after they respawn.
zombie_respawn_protection 10
// If enabled, when players spawn in they respawn as a Zombie.
zombie_respawn_as_zombie 0
// If enabled, allows players to spawn in once when they join regardless of zombie_respawn value.
zombie_respawn_onconnect 1
// If enabled, the first time a player spawns in they will be spawned as a zombie. This removes the clients ability to 'retry' and spawn as a human.
zombie_respawn_onconnect_as_zombie 1
// When enabled only allows !zstuck to be used by zombies.
zombie_teleport_zombies_only 0
// If 1 sends a message to a zombie every time they zombify someone displaying their current health.
zombie_show_health 1
// This is the time between health regeneration for zombies. 0 disables.
zombie_regen_timer 20
// Amount of health to regen every health regen.
zombie_regen_health 10
// Primary weapon to give players who spawn after round start
zombie_respawn_primary "weapon_tmp"
// Secondary weapon to give players who spawn after round start.
zombie_respawn_secondary "weapon_usp"
// When enabled, gives players a frag grenade once their protection ends.
zombie_respawn_grenades 1.0
// When enabled, uses different zombie classes as defined in zombie_classes.cfg
zombie_classes 1.0
// Material to use for zombie_vision, located in vgui/hud/zombiemod/. If blank zombie_vision will be disabled. zombie_vision is also included with the release add it to downloads.cfg aswell as changing here if you want to use it.
zombie_vision_material "zombie_view"
// If enabled saves players class selections to a file on map change and reloads it the next time the server starts. Also server command zombie_writeclasses.
zombie_save_classlist 1.0
// Percentage of specified health to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_health_percent 100
// Percentage of specified speed to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_speed_percent 100
// Percentage of specified jump height to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_jump_height_percent 100
// Percentage of specified knockback to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.
zombie_knockback_percent 100
// The file to use for end_round overlay, set blank to disable. If file names are 1024_zombies and 1024_humans this setting should be 1024. The _zombies and _humans must be there.
zombie_end_round_overlay 1024
// *EXPERIMENTAL* Amount of zombies to spawn at round_start, 0 for regular method. Defaults to ( player count - 2 ) if the total amount of players is less than this value.
zombie_count 1
// Type of double health to give first zombie(s):
// 0 disable double health (also applies if zombie_count is 0 or 1
// 1 first chosen gets double health
// 2 all first zombies get double health.
zombie_count_doublehp 1
// Enables/Disabled the zstuck player command.
zombie_zstuck_enabled 1